SANZAR Game Manager Lyndon Bray talked with the Dominion Post about some interesting statistics regarding the scrums.

So far the season was yielding some amazing numbers, encapsulated by the completion of Round Three of Super Rugby.

Waratahs v Rebels - 92% success rare first hit completion rate (this is the ball leaving the scrum and play continuing)
Chiefs v Cheetahs - 86% success
Blues v Crusaders - 85% success
Reds v Hurricanes 77% success
Sharks v Stormers - 53% success

Bray said he was impressed that the completion rate so far this year, hovering around eighty percent, was far beyond what was achieved last year - which was a benchmark season in regards to scrum percentages.

"It's early days but the scrum completion rate at the moment is amazing," Bray said.

"You have to remember last year's average was only 60 per cent."

"Those (the above stats) are incredible stats - the touch to set call has given the stability we've asked for and it's not slowing it down.

"We record all the touch to set timings and we have a really consistent space between touch and set. I think they are getting a better hit as a consequence and because of that the scrum is holding together longer."